Mine Export
Veritas has been exporting crushed marble stones in bulk from the Marmara Island to Ukraine and another export product is Feldpsar mine from the Güllük region to Ukraine ports since 2018.
Over the years, Veritas has been reached significant volumes with its exports to Ukraine . With these figures, it contributed to the country's exports and created employment for its suppliers.
Marble crushed stones is the raw material of the micronized calcid in where as micronized calcid is used in various industrial fields.
Most used sectors of calcid stated in below:
- Paper industry
- Paint industry
- Plastic and cable industry
- Production of plaster, putty, joint filler, plaster in the construction industry
- Adhesives
- Ceramic industry
- Carpet floor, linoleum industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
They are used in coal power plants to prevent air pollution. Calcite is a mineral name and the chemical structure of this mineral, which forms carbonate rocks, is CaCO3. It is crystalline in various forms (crystallised in the form of rombaeder, scalenoeder), glassy shine, colorless transparent structure. It is easily ground and a white powder is obtained.
Feldspar; It is an important industrial raw material used in glass, ceramics, welding electrodes and paint industries. The colors of feldspars are white, gray, pink, cream and red. In addition, they have a bright and uneven appearance due to their structure. The most common types of feldspar, based on the alkali type it contains; potassium feldspar, sodium feldspar and anorthite feldspar. The most important for the ceramics industry is potassium feldspar.